Euphoria One Hair Extensions is proud to present our brand new high in demand Remy Russian/Mongolian mix this year.
This range will combine the fine and soft quality you'd expect from Russian hair donors with the strength and durability of Mongolian.
Our hair will be available in U-Tip/Nail Tip, I-Tip/Stick Tip and Mini I-Tip in 16 inch, 20 inch and 22 inch. We will also be looking ahead at introducing Nano Tips, Micro Loops and Wefts/Weaves.
We will keep you all informed on the colour choices available.
We will continue to source our Remy Indian, Brazilian and Pure Slavic Russian ranges in U-Tip/Nail Tip, I-Tip/Stick Tip, Mini I-Tip, Nano Tip, Micro Loop, Weft/Weave and Clip In hair extensions.