- We recommend that you do not wash your hair within the first 2-3 days after having your hair extensions applied.This is to allow any bonding agents to fully harden. At night, tie hair up in a loose ponytail or plait.
- Prior to washing, de-tangle hair from ends to roots.
- You should only wash your hair extensions 2-3 times a week with a mild shampoo in warm water. Over-washing could lead to dryness and unnecessary wear and tear to bonds.
- Smooth shampoo down the hair extensions as tangling may occur if rubbed in multiple directions.
- Make sure you wash in amongst the bonds, avoiding the bonds themselves.
- Conditioner should only be applied from mid length to the ends of your hair extensions. Never apply conditioner to the bonds.
- Wash the hair in an upright position using warm water only.
- When washing your hair, do not tip your head over the bath as this could cause tangling.